What Muscles Does The Treadmill Work

What Muscles Does the Treadmill Work
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If you’re looking for an efficient way to get a full-body workout, a treadmill can be the perfect exercise equipment for your home gym. But what muscles exactly does the treadmill work?

The answer is that it depends on how you use it. The primary muscles worked on the treadmill include the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and abductors.

You can target different muscle groups and get specific results with different speeds and inclines.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the main muscle groups that the treadmill works on and how to use them to maximize your workout.

So let’s start!


The most important muscle that the treadmill works on is your heart. When you walk or run on a machine, your heart pumps more blood and oxygen throughout your body, strengthening it over time. 

This increase in blood flow also helps reduce your risk of heart disease. When you walk or run on a treadmill, your heart works harder than when you’re just sitting or standing. This is because your heart has to pump more blood to work your muscles. 

Walking or running on a treadmill can help improve cardiovascular fitness and reduce your risk of heart disease.


The hamstrings are three muscles in the back of your thigh. They help you bend your knee and extend your hip. 

The hamstrings are important for walking, running, and jumping. The treadmill is a great way to work your hamstrings. 

When you walk or run on a treadmill, your hamstrings must work harder to keep your legs moving. This can help strengthen and tone your hamstrings.


The quadriceps are the muscles located on the front of the thigh. They are responsible for extending the leg at the knee. 

The quadriceps work when walking or running uphill and when using a treadmill. When using a treadmill, the quadriceps lift the legs with each step. 

This action is resistance to gravity, making it an effective way to tone and strengthen muscles. In addition to working the quadriceps, treadmills also work the calves, glutes, and hamstrings.


The glutes are the largest muscle group in the body and are responsible for moving the hips and thighs. This muscle group is the most powerful of all the lower body muscles, so it’s no surprise that it gets a good workout on the treadmill.

A treadmill can help tone and strengthen the glutes and improve flexibility in the hips and thighs.

Hip flexors

The hip flexors are a group of muscles that allow you to lift your knees and bend at the waist. They are located in front of the hip and thigh. The main muscle in this group is the iliopsoas, the largest and strongest muscle in the body.

Other muscles in this group include the rectus femoris, pectineus, sartorius, and tensor fascia lata. The treadmill is a great way to work your hip flexors.

You can target and strengthen these muscles by walking or running on an incline. This will help improve your overall fitness level and reduce your risk of injury.

Core muscles

Treadmills are a great way to work your core muscles. Core muscles are the muscles in your abdomen and lower back. These muscles help stabilize your spine and keep your body upright.

Treadmills are designed to work the core muscles in your abdomen, hips, and lower back. As you walk or run on the treadmill, these core muscles help stabilize your body and maintain balance.

Working on a treadmill can help strengthen these muscles and improve your overall posture.


The calf muscles, or gastrocnemius, are located on the back of your lower leg and are used to push off when walking or running. 

The treadmill is a great way to work your calves. When you walk or run on a treadmill, your calf muscles must work hard to keep you moving. Working out on a treadmill will help tone and strengthen this muscle group.

Aerobic and anaerobic treadmill exercise

Both aerobic and anaerobic treadmill exercise have their benefits, so it’s important to understand the difference between them before you start exercising.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups and can be sustained for long periods. Aerobics on a treadmill usually means keeping the speed between 3 mph and 6 mph; At this speed, you should be able to hold a conversation without taking too much breath. 

Anaerobic exercise

Anaerobic exercise is any high-intensity activity that cannot be sustained for long periods. Intervals on a treadmill, where you alternate between high and low-intensity periods, are an example of anaerobic exercise.

Both types of exercise have their benefits. Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart and lungs and can help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and obesity. 

Anaerobic exercise builds muscle strength and power and can help improve your speed and agility. The best way to get the most out of your treadmill workout is to incorporate both types of exercise into your routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does A Treadmill Tone Your Stomach?

The treadmill is a great way to tone your abdominal muscles. The treadmill can help you burn calories and slim your waistline by working the large muscles in your legs. 

Also, the incline feature on most treadmills can help target your abdominal muscles and give them a good workout. So if you want to tone your abs, hit the treadmill and start sweating!

What Parts Of Your Body Does A Treadmill Tone?

The treadmill is a great way to tone your legs, glutes, and core. But did you know that it can also help to tone your arms, back, and chest?

Here’s how:

Legs: The treadmill is ideal for toning your legs. It works all the major leg muscles, including your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. 

Glutes: The treadmill is also great for toning your glutes. You use your gluteal muscles to prop yourself forward when you walk or run on the treadmill. 

Core: Walking or running on the treadmill also works your core muscles. These include both the abdominal muscles and the muscles in your lower back. 

Arms: You may not realize it, but using the arm rails on the treadmill can help to tone your arms. 

Does the treadmill shape your body?

The answer is yes! The treadmill can help to tone your legs and buttocks. The treadmill can also help to slim down your overall figure and make you look more toned. So if you’re looking to lose weight and tone up, the treadmill is a great tool.

Does a treadmill burn arm fat?

The simple answer to this question is yes; treadmills can burn arm fat. It is a great cardio workout that can help you lose weight and tone your muscles. To lose arm fat, you must focus on exercises targeting your arms.

Final Thoughts

The treadmill is a great way to get a cardio workout, but it also works your lower body muscles. The main muscle groups that the treadmill works on are your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

If you increase the incline on the treadmill, you will also work your calves and Achilles tendon.

We hope now you can get a lot of benefits from this information! good luck!

Read Also: How To Adjust Treadmill Belt

Article by

Tahir Nagra

Tahir Nagra is a certified personal trainer, fitness enthusiast, and founder of Nagra fitness zone. With a bunch of experience in the industry, he shares tips and advice to help others achieve their fitness goals. He’s also in the business of selling and purchasing treadmills.